Six economists and four sociologists top ranking of the most influential Spanish social scientists
PHILADELPHIA — The Lauder Institute of Management & International Studies at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School today announced the release of its bi-annual ranking of the most cited Spanish social scientists, measuring the impact of their research activities worldwide. Six economists and four sociologists top the ranking of top ten most cited Social Scientists, according to data tracked through the end of 2011 from the Institute for Scientific Information (see table below). Sociologist Manuel Castells tops the list, with three times as many citations to his research as the second-ranked, Juan J. Linz, who is a sociologist and political scientist. The third spot was claimed by economist Andreu Mas-Colell.
Castells’s most impactful research focuses on urban social movements, the rise of the network society, and the role of cities in the information-driven global economy. Linz’s research deals with the sociological aspects of political regimes, transition to democracy, and the advantages and disadvantages of presidential versus parliamentary democracy. Mas-Colell is a mathematical economist who has made major contributions to microeconomics and general equilibrium theory.
The three social scientists with the greatest number of new citations during the year 2011 alone work on topics of current interest. Castells (with 1,270 new citations) researches globalization and the Internet, while Manuel Arellano (732 new citations) and Jordi Gali (582 new citations) primarily focus research on macroeconomic and econometric issues that relate to the ongoing global financial and economic crisis.
As in the 2009 ranking, Barcelona-based universities and schools account for five of the top ten spots, with Universitat Pompeu Fabra boasting three of its faculty members among the top ten. Three of the top ten Spanish social scientists work at U.S. universities, and two others have appointments both in the U.S. and Spain. The four sociologists among the top ten hold appointments at U.S. universities.
The ranking of the top ten scholars was calculated using information on citations to the articles, books, book chapters, and working papers published by social scientists, as reflected in the Institute for Scientific Information’s Social Science, Science, and Humanities Citation Indexes, which track academic publishing in scientific journals around the world. The number of citations was calculated as the sum of the citations to each of the articles, books, book chapters, and working papers authored by the scholars included in the ranking.
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The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania— founded in 1881 as the first collegiate business school — is recognized globally for intellectual leadership and ongoing innovation across every major discipline of business education. The most comprehensive source of business knowledge in the world, Wharton bridges research and practice through its broad engagement with the global business community. The School has more than 5,000 undergraduate, MBA, executive MBA, and doctoral students; more than 9,000 annual participants in executive education programs; and an alumni network of 88,000 graduates.
The Ten Most Cited Spanish Social Scientists (through 2011)
Name(Field) | Total Citations 1945-2011 | Citations 2011 | PhD Year | Affiliation | Major Awards & Distinctions | |
1 | Manuel Castells (Sociology) | 16,208 | 1,270 | 1967 | Universitat Oberta de CatalunyaUniversity of Southern California | Fellow, European Academy, and British Academy.Guggenheim Fellow. |
2 | Juan J. Linz (Sociology & Political Science) | 5,177 | 318 | 1959 | Yale University | Fellow, American Academy of Arts & Sciences, and European Academy.Premio Principe de Asturias. |
3 | Andreu Mas-Colell (Economics) | 4,693 | 302 | 1972 | Universitat Pompeu Fabra (on leave of absence) | Fellow, American Academy of Arts & Sciences, European Academy, and Econometric Society.Foreign Associate, National Academy of Sciences.Guggenheim Fellow.
Premio Rey Juan Carlos I. |
4 | Jordi Gali (Economics) | 4,660 | 582 | 1989 | Universitat Pompeu Fabra | Fellow, Econometric Society.Premio Rey Jaime I. |
5 | Vicente Navarro (Sociology) | 4,615 | 247 | 1967 | Universitat Pompeu FabraJohns Hopkins University | |
6 | Manuel Arellano (Economics) | 4,320 | 732 | 1985 | Centro de Estudios Monetarios y Financieros (CEMFI) | Fellow, Econometric Society. |
7 | Xavier Sala i Martin (Economics) | 4,086 | 357 | 1990 | Columbia University | Premio Rey Juan Carlos I.Premio Fundacion Banco Herrero. |
8 | Xavier Vives (Economics) | 2,446 | 243 | 1983 | IESE Business School | Fellow, Econometric Society.Premio Rey Juan Carlos I. |
9 | Mauro F. Guillen (Sociology & Business) | 1,912 | 284 | 1992 | Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania | Guggenheim Fellow.Premio Fundacion Banco Herrero. |
10 | Juan J. Dolado (Economics) | 1,842 | 144 | 1988 | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid | Fellow, European Economic Association. |
Source: Institute for Scientific Information.
Source: Lauder Institute