Wharton Faculty Op-Eds

Marketing to Gen X – 3 Challenges Every Brand Must Overcome
Ad Age | July 1, 2024
Prof. Cait Lamberton discusses marketing to Gen X in light of her new book on “Marketplace Dignity.”

Why People Really Quit Their Jobs—and How Employers Can Stop It
TIME | June 21, 2024
Prof. Maurice Schweitzer co-authored this piece, which suggests that intentional sequencing of difficult tasks reduces employee turnover.

Higher Rates Were Supposed to Lower Housing Prices. It Isn’t Working.
Barron’s | June 21, 2024
Prof. Susan Wachter explains why high interest rates aren’t impacting housing prices as much as the Fed hoped.

The US is reviving the worst of its immigration history to all of our peril
The Hill | May 26, 2024
Ahead of his upcoming book launch, Prof. Zeke Hernandez examines the “biggest immigration blunder” in American history.

AI May Not Be a Job Killer, After All
Wall Street Journal | May 9, 2024
Profs. Peter Cappelli, Sonny Tambe, and Mack Institute Executive Director Valery Yakubovich argue that AI won’t be as detrimental to jobs as many fear.

Here’s the key that could unlock the U.S. housing market for buyers and sellers
MarketWatch | May 2, 2024
Prof. Lu Liu co-authored this piece on navigating the housing market for first-time homebuyers, detailing recent research on the benefits of mortgage rate lock-ins.

401(k) plans lack one benefit that would make a big difference in retirement
MarketWatch | April 30, 2024
Prof. Olivia Mitchell argues that lifetime annuity products are the missing link in most workers’ retirement plans.

These investments will boost your net worth more than any growth stock
MarketWatch | April 23, 2024
Prof. Sean Myers discusses why value stocks with low P/E ratios deliver long-term results through the context of his research.

Why are employees hiring their own independent HR consultants?
Human Resource Executive | April 8, 2024
Prof. Peter Cappelli discusses the complex history of human resource departments’ mission of simultaneously supporting both employees and leadership.

We’re Focusing on the Wrong Kind of AI Apocalypse
TIME | April 1, 2024
Prof. Ethan Mollick provides perspective on the real and exaggerated threats of artificial intelligence, advocating for broad discussions around the implications of AI.

The Surprising Culprit Behind Declining US Antitrust Enforcement
ProMarket | February 5, 2024
Prof. Herbert Hovenkamp argues that small businesses and trade associations have historically had more influence over antitrust policy.