New Book from Wharton School Publishing Helps Companies to Develop and Sustain Environmental Stewardship
New York, NY, Nov. 23, 2009 —Environmental issues have challenged our self-awareness and sparked a global initiative to respond to such critical issues as global climate change and natural resource conservation. Companies of all sizes are responding to the call to “go green,” a combination of government, shareholder and consumer demand for these environmentally responsible new practices. Businesses are also learning that being lean, efficient and “green” all go together because they can simultaneously reduce costs, lead to revenue growth, and improve environmental stewardship.
Environmental stewardship, defined by the EPA as the responsibility for environmental quality shared by all those whose actions affect the environment, is one area of new business activity whose driving forces are so strong and compelling that the call to action can appeal to every industry, company size, and organizational level, from senior executives to the entry-level employees. But in order for a company to drive environmental stewardship and be profitable, it’s imperative to have a well-developed
green business strategy in place.
Eric G. Olson, author of Better Green Business: A Handbook for Environmentally Responsible and Profitable Business Practices (Wharton School Publishing, Hardcover, ISBN-13: 9780137010172, 264 pages, $39.99, November 2009) has 20 years of experience in management and consulting, working with organizations of all sizes and across many industries. In Better Green Business, he provides practical insights and start-to-finish strategies for moving any enterprise to a higher level of environmental stewardship.
Better Green Business helps companies:
- Define Their Green Strategy and Craft Plans that Work- Shows how to complement green with traditional strategy, improving operations, and making green strategy actionable
- Use Green Sigma™, developed by IBM, to Reduce Environmental Impact and Drive Business Value- Includes a detailed case study on reducing enterprise carbon emissions and costs
- Instrument the Planet for a More Intelligent, Sustainable World- Provides new technology innovations and solutions for corporate environmental stewardship
- Anticipate the Future of Green Business- Reveals environmental trends that will reshape business management
“Companies offering products and services aligned with environmental stewardship are benefiting from top-line revenue growth, other companies and consumers that purchase and use those offerings are benefiting from bottom-line cost savings, and environment itself is beginning to benefit from improved natural resource usage and lower greenhouse gas emissions,” states Olson.
In Better Green Business, Olson introduces powerful business process transformation methodologies and technologies for increasing operational efficiency and reducing waste. Check out the book online, as well as a free excerpt by visiting
Please contact Alex Della Rocca, 212-539-3203 or, to request an interview, copy of the book, or book excerpt.
About the Author
Dr. Eric G. Olson has more than 20 years of experience in management consulting and industry where he has worked with organizations of all sizes and across industries. His experience spans business, operations and IT strategy development, e-commerce and e-business, innovation management, process improvement and supply chain optimization, procurement and strategic sourcing, corporate mergers and joint ventures, and environmental stewardship.
He holds B.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Cornell University, an M.B.A. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology-Sloan, and an M.S. from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He is also a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and a licensed Professional Engineer.
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Better Green Business: Handbook for Environmentally Responsible and Profitable Business Practices
Eric G. Olson
November 2009
264 pps.
ISBN-13: 9780137010172