Just in time for graduation season, compelling interviews with some of the most inspirational leaders of our time
What: Just in time for graduation season, Knowledge@Wharton High School (KWHS) has named 19 business leaders as “Trailblazers” in a new eBook available as a no cost download for registered KWHS users. The book includes candid and thoughtful interviews with some of the most dynamic leaders of our times including:
- NBA Legend Magic Johnson
- Paypal-Tesla-SpaceX’s Elon Musk
- “Avengers” & “Much Ado” Director Joss Whedon
- Under Armour’s Kevin Plank
- Pfizer’s Amy Schulman
Knowledge@Wharton High School has received wide acclaim for providing free, regularly updated materials for high school students and their teachers. The site, the first of its kind offered by a major university, includes articles, videos, learning simulations and numerous interactive tools. KWHS is also the newest member of the Knowledge@Wharton network, an integrated set of online journals offering business analysis and research to a global audience of more than two million subscribers in 189 countries.
Where: Find the download link on the KWHS site here:
When: Available now
Contact: Peter Winicov, Wharton Communications: 215-746-6471 or winicov@wharton.upenn.edu.
About the Wharton School and Knowledge@Wharton
Founded in 1881 as the first collegiate business school, the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania is recognized globally for intellectual leadership and ongoing innovation across every major discipline of business education. With a broad global community and one of the most published business school faculties, Wharton creates ongoing economic and social value around the world. The School has 5,000 undergraduate, MBA, executive MBA, and doctoral students; more than 9,000 annual participants in executive education programs; and a powerful alumni network of 92,000 graduates.
Knowledge@Wharton is a free biweekly online resource that captures knowledge generated at the Wharton School and beyond through such channels as research papers, conferences, speakers, books, and interviews with faculty and other business experts on current business topics. The Knowledge@Wharton network – which includes Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese and Indian editions – has more than two million subscribers worldwide.
Media Contacts:
Peter Winicov
The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
+1.215.746.6471 or winicov@wharton.upenn.edu