WHAT: The ribbon cutting ceremony marking the opening of SiriusXM’s satellite radio broadcast studio for Business Radio powered by the Wharton School with remarks by newly appointed Dean of the Wharton School, Geoffrey Garrett, and SiriusXM President and Chief Content Officer Scott Greenstein.
Photo and Interview opportunities available — REGISTRATION REQUIRED
WHEN: Thursday, September 18th at 3:30 PM
WHERE: Jon M Huntsman Hall, 3730 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA
Business Radio Studio / Student Lounge – Adjacent to Locust Walk entrance
MORE: Business Radio Powered by the Wharton School, broadcasting from the Wharton School’s historic Ivy League campus at the University of Pennsylvania and Silicon Valley, is the only source onradio offering direct and exclusive access to the world’s top business leaders and educators, and featuring a wide range of original shows hosted by one of the most cited and published faculties of all top-tier business schools. Regular guests include world-renowned executives, captains of industry, thought leaders, and battle-tested experts.
Peter Winicov, the Wharton School
Julie Rothman, SiriusXM