Applications now open, deadline to apply is June 8
What: The Wharton School is pleased to invite business journalists to apply for the next virtual Wharton Seminars for Business Journalists program. The June 2022 program will feature Wharton professors Kevin Werbach, Lynn Wu and Ethan Mollick who will present on “Crypto and Regulation: This Could Be the Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship,” “How AI Transforms Labor and Firm Innovation” and “Understanding the Myths and Truths About Venture Capital and Startups,” respectively.
Through intensive lectures and expert Q&A the Seminars, led by the Wharton School’s most prominent professors, help reporters gain a better understanding of key business and economic issues. For more than 50 years, the Seminars have offered participants an opportunity to expand their knowledge, network with journalists from around the world, increase their exposure to leading experts and broaden their perspectives in a stimulating environment. View the June program agenda here.
When: Thursday, June 16, 2022, 9:45 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. ET. The deadline to apply is Wednesday, June 8, 2022.
Where: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Seminars for Business Journalists will be delivered online via the Wharton Events Portal.
How: Interested journalists can visit the Seminars for Business Journalists application. Space is limited. The cost of this program is $40.00 USD.
Who: In recent years, journalists from media outlets such as The New York Times, Nikkei, The Wall Street Journal, CNBC India, San Francisco Chronicle, Reuters, Fortune, Financial Times, CNN, Marketplace, BBC News, Les Échos, Bloomberg, BuzzFeed News and China Central TV have attended the Seminars.
Eligibility: Applications are open to those who are employed full-time as a print, broadcast or online business journalist by legitimate media companies.
Program Benefits: Today’s global economy requires business journalists to have a strong foundation in business and economic knowledge. At the Wharton Seminars for Business Journalists, participants will:
- Develop an in-depth understanding of the fundamentals of business strategy.
- Network with colleagues from some of the world’s leading business news organizations.
- Gain exposure to leading experts and establish new sources.
Learn More: For complete information on the Wharton Seminars for Business Journalists, visit or contact Wharton Media Relations at
About the Wharton School
Founded in 1881 as the world’s first collegiate business school, the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania is shaping the future of business by incubating ideas, driving insights, and creating leaders who change the world. With a faculty of more than 235 renowned professors, Wharton has 5,000 undergraduate, MBA, executive MBA, and doctoral students. Each year 13,000 professionals from around the world advance their careers through Wharton Executive Education’s individual, company-customized, and online programs. More than 100,000 Wharton alumni form a powerful global network of leaders who transform business every day. For more information, visit