Publisher Also Announces New NetGalley Book Request Service for “Best Business Book of the Year” Recommenders, Bloggers and Journalists
The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania announces that Wharton Digital Press, its all-digital publishing initiative, has capped its inaugural year with acclaim and recognition for its roster of titles including receiving “Best Business Book of 2011” accolades for its most recent book, Brilliant Mistakes: Finding Success on the Far Side of Failure, by Paul J. H. Schoemaker. Brilliant Mistakes received “#1 Best Business Book of the Year” kudos from the Patriot-News’ and has been featured by, Forbes and the International Business Times, among others. To make Brilliant Mistakes and all Wharton Digital Press (WDP) eBooks accessible to journalists, reviewers and bloggers, WDP is pleased to now offer NetGalley, a book request service for people who read and recommend books. NetGalley users can read galleys via their favorite digital devices including Kindle, Android, Nook, Kobo and iPad/iPhone with full search capabilities. To request a digital galley of any Wharton Digital Press eBook, recommenders should visit the WDP section of NetGalley’s site here: Wharton Digital Press NetGalley. Once on the WDP page, NetGalley users may click the cover image and press the “requests” button. WDP will provide notification of approved requests via email. Besides Brilliant Mistakes, other WDP titles available on NetGalley and receiving consideration for “Best Business Book of 2011” include: • The Leader’s Checklist: 15 Mission-Critical Principles by Michael Useem–In this fast-reading and illuminating expanded edition of the bestselling Leader’s Checklist, world-renowned leadership expert Michael Useem deepens his examination of 15 mission-critical principles for leaders. • Wharton Executive Education Customer Centricity Essentials: What It Is, What It Isn’t, and Why It Matters by Peter Fader–Upending some of our most fundamental beliefs about customer centricity, renowned behavioral data expert Peter Fader, Co-Director of the Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative, helps businesses radically rethink how they relate to customers. He provides a roadmap for revamping your organization, performance metrics, and product development in order to make sure you meet the needs of your most valuable customers. • Wharton Executive Education Finance and Accounting Essentials by Richard A. Lambert–In direct and simple terms, Richard A. Lambert, Miller-Sherrerd Professor of Accounting at the Wharton School, demystifies financial statements and concepts and shows you how you can apply this information to make better business decisions for long-term profit. About the Wharton School and Wharton Digital Press Wharton Digital Press brings together communities of readers and authors committed to identifying and solving the critical problems business managers face today. Leveraging a wide range of cutting-edge digital technologies, Wharton Digital Press helps inspire authors to develop bold, insightful messages, and communicate in creative ways with their audiences. Managers and policy makers need new sources of innovative and practical knowledge that will enable them to deal with the problems of the present and the challenges of the future. Wharton Digital Press takes advantage of the Wharton School’s global presence to disseminate relevant business knowledge from the world’s leading experts to readers wherever and whenever they need it. To request a digital galley of any Wharton Digital Press book, journalists should visit the WDP section of NetGalley’s site here: Wharton Digital Press NetGalley |