Philadelphia and San Francisco – The Wharton School announced that, for the first time in the history of the Wharton Global Alumni Forums, the School next year will combine the three regional Forums into a single event, to be held in San Francisco on June 23-24, 2011. We are excited to hold this year’s Forum in conjunction with the 10th Anniversary of the establishment of Wharton | San Francisco, our West Coast campus and home to a thriving MBA Program for Executives, as well as an entrepreneurship program and non-degree programs for executives.
David Pottruck, C’70, WG’72, Chairman and CEO of Red Eagle Ventures, Inc. and a member of the Wharton School’s Board of Overseers, will serve as the Forum chairman. Confirmed keynote speakers include Safra A. Catz, W’83, L’86, President of Oracle Corporation, and Jacob Wallenberg, W’80, WG’81, Chairman of Investor AB.
Under Pottruck’s leadership and following the theme, “Creative Solutions for Global Challenges,” the Forum will convene 400 alumni together with top academic, business, and civic leaders working to bring about positive change around the world. Truly international in scope, this year’s Forum will draw speakers from each of the four major global regions—North America; South America; Europe, the Middle East, and Africa; and Asia—to one of the world’s most dynamic centers of innovation. The two-day Forum will be headquartered at the Westin St. Francis Hotel, and will include Keynote Speeches, Panel Discussions and opportunities for networking. A Gala Farewell Banquet will be held at San Francisco’s City Hall.
All Wharton alumni are invited to attend this Forum. For more information, alumni are invited to visit the Forum website, Features available on the site include an evolving schedule of events and growing speaker list, a welcome message from Dean Thomas S. Robertson, information on the Wharton│San Francisco campus, and news about how to register and contact fellow attendees.
As the School’s premier global alumni event, the Forum offers a number of attractive sponsorship opportunities. Click here for details, or contact the Global Alumni Forums team for more information.
For more information about the Forum, please contact the Wharton Global Alumni Forums Team, at +1.215.746.2258 or