ATLANTA, January 29, 2021—The 2021 Recipient of The Sheth Foundation Medal for Exceptional Contribution to Marketing Scholarship and Practice is Dr. George S. Day.

Dr. Day is the Geoffrey T. Boisi Emeritus Professor, and Senior Fellow of the Mack Institute for Innovation Management (which he founded) at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He has contributed seminal concepts such as: strategy from the outside in, the capabilities of market-driven organizations, vigilant leadership, innovation prowess, and the peripheral vision of organizations. He is the author of numerous award-winning books and articles and has served on ten boards of directors.
The Sheth Foundation Medial is a bi-annual award designed to recognize a marketing academic who has made enduring and transformational contributions to (a) marketing scholarship and (b) marketing practice in the form of for-profit, not-for-profit, or governmental organizations. Dr. Day will be honored at a special virtual event on March 12, attended by his colleagues from around the world.
The President of The Sheth Foundation, Dr. Ruth N. Bolton, said: “George Day has made landmark contributions in marketing strategy, especially in the areas of organic growth and innovation, organizational change, and competitive strategies in global markets. He is an inspiring thought leader to marketers worldwide. The Board was especially impressed by how he has helped some of the world’s largest companies address strategic marketing challenges.”
Previous recipients of The Sheth Foundation Medal include: Sam Palmisano (2006), Ratan Tata (2008), Dr. Philip Kotler (2013), Dr. John Little (2014), Dr. Gerald Zaltman (2015), Dr. Michael Porter (2016), and Dr. Leonard L. Berry (2018) and Dr. David Aaker (2020). Nominations are accepted biannually from the: Academy of Marketing Science, Association for Consumer Research, Association for International Business, American Marketing Association, and INFORMS. The judging process is conducted by the Board of The Sheth Foundation, composed of distinguished marketing scholars.
Founded in 1992 by Dr. Jagdish Sheth and his wife Madhuri Sheth, The Sheth Foundation has given millions of dollars to support the activities of nonprofit marketing organizations around the world. It supports knowledge creation and dissemination in marketing, as well as knowledge recognition. It currently funds more than 15 awards in marketing.
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