Penn Wharton Budget Model Analyzes Trade-offs in Reopening Schools: K-12 Students Lose $12-15K in Future Earnings Each Month of School Closure

Deadline to Apply for Online Program is October 16 What: The Wharton School is pleased to invite business journalists to apply for the flagship Wharton Seminars for Business Journalists program. The Wharton Seminars for Business Journalists, led by the Wharton School’s most prominent professors, help reporters gain a better understanding of key business…Read More
New Wharton Baker WisePlum Consumer Loyalty Study Reveals that Consumers are Less Forgiving, Needing More From Retailers During Global Pandemic PHILADELPHIA, August 3, 2020 – The COVID-19 pandemic has made a substantial impact on retail and, as a result, brands are continuing to strategize on how best to engage with…Read More
Using Data Science to Optimally Allocate COVID-19 Tests to Protect Travelers LOS ANGELES – July 27, 2020 – A multi-disciplinary team of researchers, entrepreneurs, and policy makers announced an AI-based project, nicknamed “Eva,” that uses data to support decision making by the Greek government as it reopens the tourist industry…Read More
PHILADELPHIA, July 15, 2020—The Lipman Family Prize announced that Hope Enterprise Corporation and CareMessage are the two winners of the Beacon Awards. Each organization will receive $250,000 in unrestricted funds. Three additional organizations were named finalists for the Beacon Awards: READ Global, Soccer Without Borders, and iDE. “With this additional…Read More
What: Adi Wyner, Professor of Statistics and Faculty Lead of the Wharton Sports Analytics and Business Initiative, will lead a live panel discussion on the future of sports in a post-pandemic world and how leagues are pivoting their plans and business models to move forward without fans in attendance. Hosted…Read More
A Showcase for Wharton Thought Leadership PHILADELPHIA, June 8, 2020 — The global pandemic has reordered the rules of business in ways that will not be obvious until months or years from now. And while many business leaders know that a quick return to “business as usual” is not possible,…Read More
PHILADELPHIA, May 14, 2020 – The Wharton Global Youth Program at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania is excited to announce the winning teams in the 8th annual Knowledge@Wharton High School Investment Competition. This year’s Global Finale, held via live video conference on May 8 for nearly 100…Read More
PHILADELPHIA, May 12, 2020 – The Carnegie Corporation of New York announced today that Penn Integrates Knowledge Professor Duncan Watts has won a 2020 Andrew Carnegie Fellowship, which includes a grant of $200,000. With his grant Watts plans to study bias and misinformation in the media. The 2020 class of Andrew…Read More
PHILADELPHIA, May 4, 2020 — Penn President Amy Gutmann, Wharton Dean Geoffrey Garrett, and Penn Arts & Sciences Dean Steven J. Fluharty are pleased to announce the establishment of the Rosa Lee and Egbert Chang Professorship at the University of Pennsylvania, generously funded by Nancy Yang, W’92 in honor of her…Read More